Poison Envy; what i am certain of
by nicoleortega | Feb 27, 2015
The dictionary meaning of envy is; a feeling of discontent or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities or luck. Envy is a battle I think everybody goes through. I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t have it in my heart at some point in my life. But the key is to be aware of it and know that what’s meant for you is really meant only for you. On the other hand, what’s not meant for you, just won’t happen. I will say, contentment is not easy. It is a journey one must face and come to terms with. The only way I became content was when I lost a lot, at a time in my past. It was painful but I decided to focus and lift up my concerns and needs to God, affirming that only He can and will supply my needs. Satisfaction comes when we lift this weakness up to God and realise that He has a unique plan for each of us. Eventually, peace sets in and we wake up fulfilled one day. We suddenly have a sense of peace because it’s all beautifully sorted out in our hearts and minds that what’s meant for us is meant for us, and will never miss us. Know, that we have an almighty and generous Father who gives us our hearts desires. So go to Him and look to Him to supply all your needs, as ONLY He can. He is our provider and shelter.
Stories of competition and envy are nothing new in any society. People stepping on each other to get ahead, gain recognition, bag a deal before a colleague does, and to be on top–at all costs. Same old stories of such. But there’s a saying by the famed decorator (not actor) Billy Baldwin, that has somewhat been my guide to keeping me attuned to what my tastes are, not veering from them and wanting a piece of everyone else’s action. He said “be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like ever goes out of style”. Know your likes. Don’t be in competition w anyone but yourself. Work to please The Lord and no one else. Make a decision to be open, kind and happy for the success of others, habitually. It boils down to guarding our hearts. Most importantly, BE CONSISTENT, inconsistency only shows a flawed character lacking in integrity. There are the few who will be nice to you one day, then totally ignore you at another time. Don’t ever take that kind of behaviour against yourself or let it crush you in any way. Those are signs of insecurity, it’s not about you, it’s about them! Kindness and a sincere smile is always highly regarded. Make it a point to compliment others. Condition your minds to be happy for the success of others. Don’t you love hearing about great endings rather than tragic ones? I am a sucker for success stories of any kind. Especially those of the rags to riches ones. I make no distinction and don’t care about who is old rich or the tackily termed “nouveau” rich. The only things that impress me are consistency, manners, breeding and word of honour. I’ve seen time and time again, that these qualities are innate in a person, having zero to do with being old or new rich! Once you continue on this positive way of dealing with envy, you will inevitably have nowhere to go but UP!
What I know for sure; there will always be someone smarter, prettier, richer and better than us in some way. That is a fact we cannot escape. Only the quality of our hearts and what sets our character apart is what overrides any talent or gift. And as soon as you realise that, you will always have clarity. Here’s to a happy weekend!
Share your stories of contentment. Would love to hear from you. Be empowered!
Dear Nicole,
This is totally inspiring and a good reminder for everyone. I even wrote it down to my journal.
I absolutely agree with what you said specially “What I know for sure; there will always be someone smarter, prettier, richer and better than us in some way. “but what matters most is to be grateful with what we have. I will take note of this and apply to the best that I can.
Hi Pie, in life, there are just some basic things we must keep in mind to keep our perspective. This is one of them for me. Thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated.
Dear Nicole, hello! This is so true !!! Absolutely Agree!!
Dear Nicole,
I am a sucker of Inspiration Blog and when I came to read yours it made me think how genuine your single thoughts are.
Thank you for sharing everything that you can be, you are beautiful.
This made my day “Only the quality of our hearts and what sets our character apart is what overrides any talent or gift”.
Jona NC, USA
Hi Jona, wow, I’m at a loss for words and very humbled. Thank you for taking the time out to comment and let me know your feedback. It means the world. This is what makes strive to be better despite my many faults. Again, thank you. God bless.
This is so nice po tita. I just read your blog today and came up to this post. Wow. I love your inspirational posts! Keep them coming! <3
Thank you, Andrei!
Thanks Nicole for the inspiring words. These past few days have been my lowest and your words are balm to my feelings. Your words are so true and reflects how (sadly) our society thinks. It’s nice to know though that are are still women who believe that a good character and disposition is still an asset in this modern times.
Thank you for the inspiration and God bless! ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Aisa, I do. We are responsible only for ourselves. Only He sees the true states of our hearts and I live to honour Him and only Him. It’s so easy to get sucked into desires but being grateful and minding our own business is key to our joy and personal growth. Wishing you His best always. Thank you for taking the time out to write to me.
Hi, I was browsing your Archives and this one is my fave!! this is so true, the most important is what’s in our heart; I’m just going to share this piece to my fb. Thanks for posting!!
Sure! Share away 😉