As I mull over how crazy this year has been, it reminds me that the past years of what I do have been a good run. It has indeed been a mad year but we are part of history for a reason. This photo reminisces the coffee table book by Lifestyle Asia as part of all my first endeavors and because I’m halfway where I need to be from where I started. Almost coming full circle, ALMOST 🤞.

While my kitchen will always be in full swing, I’ve been able to add beverage and a home line but still have more to do. I share today that I am now an official contributor to the Inquirer Lifestyle team. Contributing my thoughts on everything food! From recipes, personal and by others. To the latest on what is out there. Videos. Friend’s tables, kitchens and so much more!

A few more passions to pursue (two, to be exact) and full circle it will be 🙏. . For now, I’d like to impart that no matter the situations or circumstances we are in, you can live inspired, be inspired, start over, or pick up from where you are.
Wisdoms learned? Collaborations are always great. You benefit each other and come up with ideas for the greater good. But where your passions are concerned, I’ve learned it is best to do them on your own. There is something that comes out of one’s own creativity, desire, and passion that cannot be cramped by anyone. Do not be afraid to fail. For as long as (in my case at least) you allow yourself to be guided by the prayers you put out and the leading of the Almighty, then will you be brought to exactly where you are supposed to be. With a result that is even better than what you asked for.

Nothing can hinder a praying child and that I am certain of. May you all be blessed beyond measure. Please continue to stay home and safeguard yourselves if you must leave the house. Let’s wait this out with a little more patience for a better tomorrow.

I cannot wait to share my next chapters of what I am working on with all of you and I’d really love to hear from you. Drop me a line and share your inspiring stories or challenges. We will always learn from each other.
The year 2020 that was COVID-19.
Why do you think politicians in the Philippines are automatically accused as corrupt? How can that perception change?
Based on historical facts and all the news, how can one not automatically think that. You can’t blame them. Perception can only be changed when there’s fresh blood and new idealistic politicians. No more of the trapos. It’s going to take a long long time to change the perception but hopefully truth sets in first. That will be the precedent.