Some say there is no such thing as coincidence and that God designs each and every part of our lives. He puts us exactly where we’re supposed to be. I am actually a staunch believer of this. I was not ready to leave Manila when this pandemic started but my fight or flight mode kicked in so quickly, I up and went. If you know me well, you’ll know I don’t do well with germs, sickness, bacteria and the like. I clean everything I can get my hands on including my cellphone twice or thrice a day. So you can only imagine how I’ve been these past months.

On the other hand, I’ve been lavish with thanking Him day in and day out for bringing me here to La Union because He knew the kind of peace I needed. The nature that would help me commune with Him and sort out my racing thoughts about this virus. The control over my household, my children, and how to go about implementing protocols. It wasn’t easy at first. Till today, I personally wash everything that enters our gate and in the first few weeks, I was like a wilted spinach by days end. Exhausted and spent. But slowly and by His constant grace, I’ve since moved on and found a rhythm that had me meditating more and more, looking inwards, exercising, being productive and most of all being able to listen to each of my family members. Their fears, their dreams, their hopes. I have been able to adopt a realistic system and not stress out everyone around me anymore. Oh if you only knew how I’d have to strip my husband down after a day of work (he is in public office) and throw a towel over his head to breathe in steaming saltwater. I didn’t realize I had nagger tendencies, hahaha. But I’m proud to announce I’ve learned to choose my battles. I had to.

The time we have together as a family is precious and the thought of how it’s going to end at some point actually makes me quite sad. I’ve missed my kids. I’ve missed dinners together. I haven’t skipped an evening of making dinner for us. Yes, all 110 days of this pandemic. This has not happened in ages and for that, I am sure, there are really no coincidences.

Things are opening slowly and my customer’s demands are higher. Work-wise, I’ve been able to mobilize my chicken spreads and I promise I will have my cheese pimiento soon . It has been challenging and heartbreaking to not be able to work for so long. Yet now, I am at peace and welcome that pause. This is all not in vain and I hope that you too have been embracing the transformation. I’d really love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me your stories. Meanwhile, stay safe and savor the moment.