These days, I’ve been learning a valuable lesson on handling disappointment. This society is one that’s not easy to please. You do something nice, it’s not appreciated. You fail to acknowledge something, it’s frowned upon. It’s a damn if you do, damn if you don’t era. Then, when reality sets in as you find out or process a situation, nagging thoughts and feelings can ruin a perfectly good day.
Some scenarios to ponder before I conclude. First there was a lady that was not acknowledged properly. Her offence was so great, she cut ties with a lot of people, some of them, close friends. Imagine the pain received by those that didn’t even realize they did something wrong? No words, just cut ties.
Then there’s inconsistency. Some of the people you once had high regard for, change suddenly. You notice the arrogance or the fact that they start to look down on people (or maybe they’ve always been that way?) As soft as you are, you feel discomfort because something is amiss. Then alas, somebody tells you, you didn’t dodge the bullet launched against you by a comment or gesture made about you or a friend of yours.
Lastly, and this being my own personal experience. I was with a group of beautiful, young entrepreneurs. Some hardworking moms at that. We were having great conversations that spanned many subjects. Then the issue of Instagram came up. They went on to talk about flooding or excessive selfies or hashtags and what not. And then one of the single, younger ones in the group says, “I think people should be kinder, more patient and not so judgmental when it comes to Instagram”. I was taken aback as I found it so refreshing that someone at this critical age of social media and as busy as she is, would say something like that! Because to be honest, I easily get turned off at times. I learned a priceless lesson that day and it’s to be patient with others and respect their trip! Ha ha. She went on to say how she almost fought with her good friend who just loved to rant about a common friends posts. She ranted so often that finally, at a gathering where she was so fed up and could take it no more, she told that friend off. Thank goodness, her point was well taken. Note: no names were mentioned in our positive conversation.
I myself have walked out of numerous events when the conversation would get too catty or border on nasty. People will always speak about you, it’s our culture. But as long as you believe in what you do and have full confidence in who you are and what you stand for—you will be a beautiful blossoming being. Minding your own business keeps you peaceful. Don’t let the world harden you. People who treat you in an offensive manner are already hard. Keep yourself soft, that way you’ll always be open to Gods voice. We can’t please everybody or expect everyone to like us, but at least don’t talk about us either, right? Yet, it’s something we cannot control. We should just do our part. Major note to all of us. If we can’t say anything nice, we keep it to ourselves. Because everything negative we put out there, comes straight back to us. A cliché, but God and the universe is just. Keep this saying in mind, WHAT SALLY SAYS OF SUSIE, SAYS MORE ABOUT SALLY THAN SUSIE.
God is our only constant and can accelerate and advance us in lightning speed when we fix our eyes on Him. I feel this was his way of putting me in my place and saying, hey, your focus is off. To be honest, my writings of wisdom have been on hold because I have been prioritizing other thing when I should’ve been focusing on Him. There will be people around us testing us. That’s all part of the daily divine plan, to overcome is the challenge. And really, when you quiet yourself, the the challenge becomes so diminished that there is only one thing to do, pray. Seek His counsel and leading. You work it out in your head and the peace that goes with it is immeasurable.
What I am certain of; kind, secure, open minded, none judgemental and consistent girls are confident girls. And confident girls are the best friends to have in your circle. These are the stuff that make solid friendships. Here’s to celebrating our most precious ones.
It felt like God speaks to me thru you. So timely! Thanks Ms. Nicole!
Hi Ms.Nicole,
This is the blog ever written by you full of emotions and that you are seeking for an answer on something…
What I like the most of here while pondering is your guarded mind and heart, genuine.
Not easy having this people around but it will never be good to be one of them.
Thank you for this piece of heartfelt inspiration 🙂
So full of wisdom. I love your blogs Ms.Nicole. Hope you post more and inspire more. Stay blessed.